
No on Death Penalty Expansion

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The moratorium on executions in Illinois following the recent finding that a number of death row inmates were factually innocent should weigh strongly against the addition of new capital crimes to California’s lawbooks. For that reason and others, voters should reject Proposition 18, which expands the “special circumstances” provisions of the California death penalty statute.

The measure would add a “kidnap with intent to murder” combination and broaden the definition of “lying in wait.” Each broadens the application of the death penalty.

Recent exonerations through DNA evidence of inmates convicted of murder or other serious crimes should put a hold on expansions of the penalty while its application is thoroughly examined. Vote no on Proposition 18.


A related but lesser measure, Proposition 19, is a bow to law enforcement officers for the Bay Area Rapid Transit and state university police. This measure, extending the application of an earlier voter initiative, would make the penalty for second-degree murder of such officers a mandatory 25 years to life with no possibility of parole. This measure appears to have more to do with officer prestige than safety. Vote no on Proposition 19.
