
Simple, Painless, Lifesaving


Cervical cancer is among the most preventable and curable cancers, but Los Angeles County women are diagnosed at nearly three times the national rate. The afflicted are disproportionately Latina, African American and Korean. Too often, poverty or ignorance of the opportunity keeps them from getting regular screenings that could prevent cervical cancer or result in early treatment.

A new effort launched by the county on Monday could make a difference. Declaring January the first-ever Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the Board of Supervisors is offering free Pap smears at 35 locations throughout the county through the end of the month. No woman will be turned away.

The Pap test is simple and painless; cells scraped from the surface of the cervix, where cancerous growths most often occur, are examined. Precancerous changes can then be treated before they become malignant.


Free Pap tests are the initial salvo in a broader effort to cut the high incidence of preventable and treatable diseases. During January, the county will offer comprehensive health exams to poor women who have not had regular medical care. They will include mammograms and weight counseling in addition to the Pap test. A planned follow-up effort could provide Pap tests throughout the year, a welcome step that nearby counties should follow.

To Take Action: For more information or to make an appointment for a Pap test, call the county Office of Women’s Health at (800) 793-8090. English- and Spanish-speaking operators are available.
