
Rocketdyne Donates $10,000 to Center


Boeing Rocketdyne has donated $10,000 to a police-affiliated youth center that provides free activities to area children.

“All the money will go toward programs,” said Richard “Rocko” Friedkin, youth center chairman and past president of West Valley Police Activity League Supporters, or PALS, a booster club that oversees fund-raising for the center.

Last summer, the youth center was down to its last $6,000, but due to contributions from private donors in recent months, the financial picture has improved, officials said.


“We weren’t in dire straits, but this [donation] makes it a lot easier. We’re always fighting for money,” Friedkin said.

Since the 5,500-square-foot youth center opened in mid-1996, more than 1,200 kids have participated in programs from boxing to cheerleading to field trips to the beach--all for free. Many have also received scholarships to college and trade schools.

The center is open to youths from 8 to 18, regardless of whether they are considered “at-risk.”

“Any kid is at-risk these days,” Friedkin said.

The center, at 7033 Reseda Blvd., is open 2 to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays.
