
Canadian Group to Hollywood: Cut!


Not sure if you have heard, but a regulating body in Canada has banned all Hollywood movies from being shown in prime time on Canadian Broadcasting Corp. stations.

The move is aimed at showcasing more Canadian movies, and, fortunately, there are many. Canadian classics soon to be aired include:

* “Sleepless in Saskatoon”

* “Edmonton Confidential”

* “Halifax Cop”

* “Down and Out in Ottawa”


SUCH A DEAL! For our special shopping section, we bring you:

* A free lunch offer with confusing conditions. (Submitted by Pam McKniff).

* A soft drink that seems to be cheaper than free (Jerry Rutledge).

* And, a free “pulblication” (Josh Stiel), proving you get what you pay for.


ORANGE COUNTY LAW: Covering the Newport Beach trial of a freelance TV cameraman charged with interfering with police, Garry Abrams wrote in the L.A. Daily Journal that jurors “are such a hard-bitten lot they’d send grandma to jail for feeding the birds.”


Abrams explained that Orange County Deputy Dist. Atty. Anthony Ferrentino had posed “criminal crumb-spreading caper as a test of the panel’s respect for the majesty of the law” and all jurors “agreed that granny should go to the slammer--if the maternal miscreant violated a hypothetical prohibition on bird feeding in public parks . . . just to entertain her adoring grandchildren.”



The police log of the Los Alamitos News-Enterprise carried an item that said: “Dec. 31, Bluebird Lane, 9:56 a.m.: A woman reported having around 30 Christmas trees in her driveway.”

But the police log added that the trees might “possibly” have been put there “by her teenage daughter playing a prank.”

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