
Adrift on a Sea of Politics


* Re “From One Unfeeling Sea Into Another,” Dec. 28:

Agustin Gurza’s column made many good points regarding Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy rescued at sea on Thanksgiving Day.

True, he does have a father who wants him returned to live with him in Cuba. The father loves him and wants his boy back. He also has many relatives in Florida who want him to stay in the U.S. and become a citizen. He has become a pawn on the chessboard of egos, political power and ideologies.

One major point has been overlooked in the tragic saga of this young man’s journey to our shores. What does he want? Where does he want to stay?


When asked by reporters shortly after his rescue, Elian replied that he wanted to stay in the U.S. His mother sacrificed her life in the attempt to bring him to the United States. He too risked his life to come here.

The boy has stated that he wishes to remain here. Is anyone listening?


Costa Mesa
