
Donna Brazile


Re “Gore Campaign Has ‘Fighter’ in Its Corner” Jan. 10: It is incongruous when you consider that Donna Brazile, the campaign manager for Al Gore, can get a little criticism for her blatant racist remarks about black Republican personalities, but the press and many black leaders are calling for the banishment for life of a baseball player for making the same kind of stupid remarks.

Our sense of proportion is out of whack. It appears that it is OK for blacks to make racist and divisive remarks, but any other race that exhibits that kind of stupidity should be punished in the most severe way.




The Times’ unquenchable liberal bias has no more perfect illustration than this unfortunate article. Brazile’s comments about “white boys” running politics, and her statements imputing Uncle Tomism to Colin Powell and Rep. J.C. Watts were correctly seen by millions of people as racist. If a white person had made these sorts of racist comments, he or she would have been instantly pilloried (check with John Rocker if you’re not sure). The Times, like many in our society, views racism as a whites-only phenomenon.



Los Angeles


As someone who was active in the civil rights movement when the current crop of GOP presidential candidates were no doubt still calling Martin Luther King Jr. a Communist, I not only think Brazile shouldn’t be fired for what she said about the Republicans’ cynical misuse of Powell and Watts, I think she should be championed for having the guts to say it.


Sherman Oaks
