
A Sad Manipulation


Thank you, Howard Rosenberg, for your insightful column regarding the plight of little Elian Gonzalez (“A Poster Child, Unsuitable for Framing,” Jan. 12). Life can never be the same for him, I fear, even after his return home. And he must return--soon.

I am a peace-loving person, a pacifist; I won’t even eat meat or fowl. Yet I am seized with such rage at how little Elian is being manipulated, used, abused by his so-called family, the media and, worse yet, the politicians. I wish only the worst for them. I don’t want to feel that way, to be so consumed with hate.

I suppose for my own well-being, Elian must go home to his father, grandparents and his classmates--now!



Los Angeles


I believe it is obvious that this issue is being aggravated by the immensely strong and powerful Miami Cuban lobby. No one seems to address the fact that these Cuban Americans have a big chip on their shoulders as it relates to Castro. Let’s wake up, communism is an anachronism. The Berlin Wall has been knocked down. The only reason for the continued blockade against Cuba is due to the Miami Cubans who feel they were wronged many years ago by Castro.

Let’s grow up as a nation in the world community and realize who our real enemies are. Let us not be guided by strong lobby groups guided by personal reasons, whether it is the Cuban Miami lobby or the tobacco lobby. It is time that we accepted Cuba and established normal relations. We must move on.


Manhattan Beach
