
Drunk Driver


* Re “Judge Denies Prosecutor’s Plea; Drunk Driver Gets 12-year Term,” Jan. 11.

I would like to know if Deputy Dist. Atty. John Asari, who by his own admission was ignorant of the law that punishes repeated drunk drivers, still has his job, and if so why?

People are so quick to blame the lack of laws when it is the enforcement and execution of the laws on the books now that are the cause of so many social problems.

Where was the enforcement of our laws that allowed Johnny Castro to be found guilty eight times of drunk driving? Why was he not stopped before he killed someone?


Due to the incompetence of our district attorney’s office, Castro will be on our streets again in a very few years, but the Koosh family, who lost their son at the hands of this drunk driver, will never be free of the pain.


