
Contaminated Material Shipped to Landfills


* Re “Widespread Use of Radioactive Scrap Assailed,” June 12.

Buried deep on page A15 of the June 12 Times, in a long article on radioactive scrap, is information that contaminated material has been shipped to landfills in the north San Fernando Valley, landfills that are not licensed to receive radioactive waste.

Later in the same article, we learn from a North Carolina epidemiologist that pregnant women and people over 50 are especially at risk, even from a little extra radioactive contamination.

As one who is over 50 living near the Sunshine Canyon Landfill, I resent the fact that this information was not widely disseminated before the City Council made its decision to reopen the city portion of the landfill.


I am even more resentful if the council made its decision fully aware of these facts.

Is our city government really by the people and for the people? Or are we the people the ones who will prematurely perish from the Earth because the council ignored the welfare of its constituents?


Granada Hills
