


First in Line: Hawaii has “become the very first state to legalize medical marijuana. . . . I tell you, those Hawaiians, it took them centuries, but they finally figured out something to do better with grass than sew it into a skirt.” (Bill Maher)

Big Joker: “Hillary Clinton was a big hit . . . when she did stand-up comedy at an Albany banquet. So the public was right all along. From the moment she announced she was running for the Senate, everyone said she must be joking.” (Argus Hamilton)

Becoming a Target: “At age 18, [Prince William] is legally vulnerable to the tabloids . . . and bad press reports. . . . Hey, that happens every day in this country. It’s called ‘running for public office.’ ” (Kenny Noble Cortes)


Web Ways: “AOL was hit by hackers. I know what you’re thinking: How come hackers are able to get through to AOL and I can’t?” (Daily Scoop)

Issues of the Heart: “I was watching ‘Oprah’ and Jane Fonda was on. . . . Fonda said she is always confusing sex and intimacy. She said that some people can have sex all their life without ever being intimate. You know what they call those people? . . . Men!” (Jay Leno)

Got a joke? Send it to Laugh Lines by fax, (213) 237-0732, or mail, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, 90012.
