
Doctors Optimistic About Recovery of Bitten Boy’s Arm

From Associated Press

Doctors said Friday that Jayton Tidwell has cleared the first hurdle in his recovery and they are optimistic that the 4-year-old boy whose right arm was ripped off by a tiger will have a nearly normal life.

Jayton remained in serious but stable condition Friday at Memorial Hermann Children’s Hospital, where surgeons reattached his limb just above the elbow.

It will take about six months before physicians begin to learn the extent of Jayton’s recovery. The boy faces more surgery and rehabilitation over the next few years.


The Bengal tiger was kept in the backyard of the boy’s uncle, Larry Tidwell, in a working-class area east of Houston. The animal, which will be quarantined for 30 days, attacked Wednesday when the child stuck his arm into the cage.

Tidwell was cited for keeping a dangerous animal without a permit, a misdemeanor.
