


City Council members will meet Tuesday to consider whether to hire Communications Support Group, a consulting firm that would negotiate the transfer of the city’s cable-TV franchise from Comcast Television Corp. to Adelphia Communications Corp. The two companies are swapping territories, and Placentia is included in one of them.

According to city staff members, the firm would help advise the city on what it could obtain from the process. Some possibilities include more local events coverage, special channels and other services.

Hiring the consulting firm, which is already helping Fullerton with its cable transfer, would cost the city $10,000 to $15,000. City Administrator Robert D’Amato and other staff members say hiring the firm is necessary in the transfer process. Council members Maria Moreno and Norman Z. Eckenrode are not convinced that the results would justify the expense.


Tuesday’s meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 401 E. Chapman Ave.
