
Supporting Analysis as Powerful Tool


It seems unfortunate that in order to make his point about the importance of the “here and now”--something, incidentally, never neglected in good therapy--Phillip McGraw (“The Doc Says Analysis, Schmalysis,” March 14) finds it necessary to denigrate analysis, a method that has proven useful in improving the quality of life for so many people.

McGraw is clearly not interested in understanding the origin of relationship difficulties in order to prevent them for future generations as well as ameliorate them in the present. His psychological nonmindedness has implications of quick and easy solutions for problems that have been a lifetime in the making. While such “cures” are appealing, they are often only temporary in nature. People have a right to know this and not be encouraged to dismiss the efforts of committed professionals to help them analyze and understand their emotional lives.


California Institute for

Clinical Social Work

Los Angeles
