
7 Foreign Planes Arrive in Iraq With Trade Fair Delegates


Seven foreign planes landed here Tuesday, bringing officials and business delegations to take part in the opening of a trade fair, the official Iraqi News Agency reported.

One plane each came from Ireland, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Lebanon, while three arrived from Russia, the news agency said.

Arab countries and some others have been sending planes to Iraq to protest sanctions--including extensive restrictions on international flights--imposed after Baghdad’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait.


The first plane to arrive from Ireland in a decade brought lawmakers and a trade delegation. A United Arab Emirates Boeing 747 arrived with an eight-member delegation headed by the chairman of the national airline, INA said.

A Russian Tupolev-154 landed with a delegation of 50 members of parliament and businessmen.

The Russians were due to attend the trade fair opening today in Baghdad. Another delegation, consisting of 15 businessmen, arrived later.

An earlier flight from Siberia had brought officials and artists.

Airport officials said a Lebanese and a Turkish plane brought business delegations.
