
Jobs for Disabled


* “Recruiters Who Fill Low-Skill Jobs Go Begging” (Nov. 2) reported on corporations struggling to recruit employees. The solution to this problem could be California’s untapped labor pool of individuals with disabilities. Currently, only 52% of individuals with disabilities are employed. A job paying from $8.75 to $11 per hour is much better than no job at all.

The continuing high unemployment rate of persons with disabilities and the business community’s need for qualified employees provide an ideal opportunity for employers. Lincoln Training Center is a nonprofit organization that has placed individuals with disabilities into over 25 corporations in Southern California. Employers contract with Lincoln for a group of workers, who are supervised at the employer’s place of business by a qualified job coach. Corporations obtain qualified employees while eliminating negative stereotyping of people with disabilities.

CARON NUNEZ, President

Lincoln Training Center

South El Monte
