
Aftermath of Bolsa Chica Wetlands Decision


* Re “The Bolsa Chica Drama,” Orange County editorial, Nov. 19:

Hearthside “also has asserted that there has been no serious interest expressed in buying this expensive piece of land as an alternative.” Let the record show that the Bolsa Chica Land Trust had U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer put $10,000 in an appropriation bill for an appraisal of Bolsa Chica. Hearthside/Koll went to the senator and told her the property was not for sale. If there is no willing seller, the federal or state government cannot take an interest in the project.

I personally bought some stock in the company so that I could put in a stockholder’s proposal that the property be sold. I was told I had to own 2% of the company and hold the stock for a year before being eligible to present a proposal. Incidentally, the bylaws were changed, and now it is 5% of the company before you can present a proposal.

Many attempts have been made in secret sessions and publicly to buy this property. The reason it hasn’t been purchased already is because the landowner is an unwilling seller.



Huntington Beach

* I read with interest your article on the preservation of a part of the Bolsa Chica mesa. It is unfortunate that it took an eleventh-hour pitched battle to preserve a meager 1,000 or so acres of wetland. For the existing wildlife, it was a reprieve and another opportunity for survival.

Too bad that more of the wetlands could not have been saved years earlier. Over 99% of California’s wetlands have already been lost to development. This land will never be replaced.

I applaud all of the work put in by the hundreds of Bolsa Chica volunteers; however, we must look forward and make plans to save other endangered habitat before it vanishes forever.

With a cost of over $100 million to purchase and restore the wetlands, when will otherwise intelligent people wake up and realize that an ounce of prevention is still worth a pound of cure?


Laguna Niguel

* Re “Coastal Commission Approves Scaled-Down Bolsa Chica Plan,” Nov. 17: I would just like to correct a few discrepancies.

You state that there were over 400 people jamming the room where the hearing was held, “most of them wearing anti-development stickers.” In fact, proponents of the project numbered just under 250 in attendance. You do the math.


Regarding the “Agree” and “Disagree” signs that were held up during the meeting, your article makes it appear that these were used equally by both sides. The truth is, these signs were made by supporters of the project and stolen by opponents. When they were asked to return them to our group, they either flatly refused or ripped them in half and tossed the trash to the floor (so much for environmentalism).


Huntington Beach

The writer is a consultant to the pro-housing Bolsa Chica Alliance.
