
Milosevic Overthrown


* Re “Protesters Seize Yugoslav Parliament,” Oct. 6: To what extent was the Serbian population in agreement with the abominable acts ordered by Slobodan Milosevic? I believe the popular uprising that overthrew the tyrant shows that the majority of Serbs did not support his actions. It’s worth noting that, in taking their fate into their hands, Serbs changed the regime without large-scale violence; this could not possibly be a nation of bloodthirsty thugs.

A nation must seek atonement even for actions that were ordered by its despised leaders. We can only hope that the new Serb leaders seek (and where appropriate offer) forgiveness and take substantive actions to make amends with their Balkan neighbors. If we truly believe that Balkan stability is important for the world, we should reward further progress with reconstruction aid for all the nations of the region ravaged by the conflicts of the last 10 years.


