
White Males Voting for Bush


* Re “Hey Guys, Be Careful What You Wish For,” Commentary, Oct. 10: Robert Scheer seems to believe that all white males are either “Joe Six-Pack” or else “pampered sons of the super-rich.” He believes that tradition has bonded “white males to men like Bush,” and while not all white males are actually winners, they don’t have to feel like losers because “they can still feel superior to women and minorities.” And further, that white males think if George W. Bush wins, “traditional values will be restored, meaning that women will be put back in their place.” Having been born a white male and having no traditional values even remotely similar to Scheer’s diatribe, I resent your including such trash talk in the editorial section of my newspaper.

Perhaps you won’t believe it, Mr. Scheer, but a long ago time most of us had already “grasped the (remarkable) fact that women tend to intermarry--with men,” and we have even “pondered (for much more than a second) how women get pregnant,” and with the wisdom so gained decided to share our lives and fortunes with the wonderful girls that we call our wives. But, then again, it may just be “that Darwinian nesting thing.”




I’d like to thank Scheer for reminding us what is at stake in this election. While the undecided voters are making up their minds based on which “Oprah” show they last watched, some are focused on the Supreme Court, a return to back-alley abortions, the future of Social Security and Medicare and prescription drugs that are beyond the financial reach of one-third of seniors. Wake up, America, and look at real issues.





I never met Scheer but somehow he and The Times seem to think that I’m “screwed up” simply by virtue of my race and gender. How is it that this type of racist, sexist point of view is acceptable as long as it’s not directed at a “minority”? I understand that he was attempting to make his case for Al Gore, but I find it offensive and distasteful. Promoting bigotry and racism against any race or gender perpetuates it for all races and genders. This is the most disgusting display of hypocrisy I have ever seen in The Times.


Huntington Beach
