
Appel’s Gas-Pump Vision Doesn’t Hold Appeal


Who are you kidding with your upbeat description of Jeff Appel’s “upscale and visually appealing” gas station make-overs (“Architectural Fantasy Meets the Gas Pump,” Sept. 28)?

I am one of a great many neighbors up in arms about Appel’s latest effort to build another “attractive” minimart/gas station (an oxymoron if there ever was one) in our Venice neighborhood. The only consumers his gas station appeals to are those who are directly slated to make a profit from it (i.e., the nonlocal artists and craftsmen who stand to make a living off his tasteless vision).

Appel’s version of good architectural “change” includes acquiring a variance to eliminate the planting of greenery at curb sight and cutting down a magnificent old palm that has graced the property for years. As for comparisons to his vision versus the classic ‘60s architects Pereira and Luckman, and the sleek designs of the ‘30s and ‘40s, trust me: Ed Ruscha will never immortalize these abominations.



