
Candidates for Congress


* Last night while channel surfing I came across Michael Case being interviewed. I was surprised to learn that he comes from a pretty humble farm background, because he does not look the part.

I was delighted with his willingness to answer directly and in detail all the questions he was asked and even more delighted to hear him talk about how this wonderful economy has left out so many of us here in Ventura County because the minimum wage has not risen while, according to accounts in The Times, chief executive officer salaries have risen astronomically.

Case, if elected, wants to represent all Venturans. He says big business and business in general are good but an economy can only be called wonderful if it lifts all boats. Wouldn’t it be nice to be represented in Washington by someone with such a “democratic” viewpoint--and one that is really just common sense, instead of by Elton Gallegly, who paints himself as a common man but whose positions are narrow and exclusionary.



