
Garofalo Should Yield Mayor’s Job


* The current controversy in Huntington Beach involving Mayor David Garofalo has reached a point where a major decision should be made by either the mayor or the City Council.

While Garofalo should retain his council seat until current investigations are complete and some answers are forthcoming from the various entities investigating his actions, he has so depleted any respect for the office of mayor that he should resign immediately. This would, at least, demonstrate his concern and respect for the city.

If he chooses to retain the position, then the City Council should have the courage to remove him. Although the office of mayor in Huntington Beach is largely ceremonial, it is the mayor who represents the city at all events. And his actions reflect badly on the entire City Council.


No city needs a freewheeling elected official who does not respect his or her office enough to take particular care to avoid actions that could suggest conflicts of interest. The evidence seems to be mounting that Garofalo, at best, has ignored the appearance of conflicts and placed himself in a very precarious position.

As David Garofalo himself is quoted as saying, “It’s not easy being mayor.” It all depends on who is mayor.


Huntington Beach

The writer was mayor from 1969 to 1970.
