
Whitewater Ends


Now that President Clinton and Hillary Clinton have been cleared of Whitewater charges by independent counsel Robert W. Ray (Sept. 21), shouldn’t they be holding an investigation on the so-called independent counsel for wasting over $50 million and ruining so many lives?


Santa Clarita

* Is there anyone in this country who really believes that the Clintons are guiltless? Despite the technicalities and “legalese,” if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.


La Canada

* I would like to suggest that Congress immediately appoint a special prosecutor to investigate our next president’s possible illegal or immoral behaviors. By appointing such a prosecutor at this time, we can forego much of the political infighting that will no doubt occur after the election.


It took over six years and over $50 million to determine that there is not sufficient evidence to prosecute Hillary and Bill over their Whitewater investments. Surely, if George W. Bush is elected, the Democrats will attempt to exact their revenge by investigating the multitude of questionable financial transactions that the governor has been involved with. If Al Gore is elected, the Republicans will certainly continue their vendetta to establish that the Clinton administration was inherently corrupt and prove that they were right all along.

My final suggestion is that we limit the special prosecutor’s budget to $4 million a year. That is less than half the annual cost of the office that was able to determine that Clinton is a womanizer and that he doesn’t like to admit it. I would like to personally volunteer for this position.


Huntington Beach
