
Lieberman on Israel


* Re “U.S.-Israeli Tie Will Be Priority, Lieberman Says,” Sept. 25:

Sen. Joseph Lieberman’s unqualified support of Israel is troubling. It is not in America’s interest to bind itself to any foreign state. Our interests, short- and long-term, are best served by seeking justice without regard to whose side it may be on. To declare, in advance, our unquestioning support of any nation whose actions may be involve us in conflict, and possibly war, is irrational and dangerous.

Most impartial observers doubt the United States’ impartiality in the Middle East peace process, and Lieberman’s pronouncement before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee that he believes that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and that the U.S. should move its embassy there does nothing to prove them wrong.




* Should Jews sacrifice the integrity of their beliefs and their identity as a people to foster multiculturism? Gregory Rodriguez (“The Lieberman Test for Multiethnic America,” Opinion, Sept. 24) seems to think so. He is also uncomfortable with the challenge religions make to the “values” of our secular society.


I am a Catholic teaching at a dominantly Jewish high school. Actively Jewish, Muslim and Christian students rarely show disrespect for each other. The hostility and ridicule come from those who have no respect for any religion.

Is this his ideal of secular democracy?


Woodland Hills
