
‘Dr. Laura’ Canceled


* Re “Dr. Laura Falls Victim to the Thought Police,” Commentary, April 9: Norah Vincent may have a point. Words have lost their meaning; their misuse does little to advance any cause over the long run. Implicit in her column, however, was the suggestion that the campaign used charges of fascism to mobilize its forces. And that simply is not true.

Along with many others, I took an active part in the StopDrLaura campaign. The campaign’s sole goal was never to silence Laura Schlessinger, or to paint her as a fascist. It was simply to challenge Paramount’s decision to give even wider voice to her irresponsible ravings. That challenge was warranted. To label a biological difference a biological error serves no purpose other than to embolden hate; to falsely suggest that gays have some special propensity to child abuse validates that hate.

Schlessinger’s views may fall under the protection of the 1st Amendment. But they shouldn’t go unchallenged. And neither should those who provide a platform for her views.



Westlake Village


Vincent is not quite correct about the reasons Schlessinger’s TV show got canceled. I watched several of her shows and it was apparent that she bowed to the network’s “suggestion” to tone down her image. Instead of another Judge Judy, we got Aunt Bea, and the show was very bland and noncontroversial--in other words, boring. GLAAD didn’t get her off the air; she did it to herself by not following her own instincts.


