
Words Change but Measures A, B Stay

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* The supporters of the recall [of three Orange school trustees] claimed a win regarding the events surrounding Measure A and B in court on Monday. Here is what really happened.

Recall supporters sued to remove the measures from the ballot. Measure A is about the Orange Unified School District’s refusal to increase taxes to fund higher teacher salaries. Measure B is about the district’s emphasis on back-to-basics education.

The district proposed rewording the measures to fix the recall supporters’ claims of bias. The recall supporters refused. The district insisted the measures remain because the voters’ input on these issues is important.


Eventually, both sides agreed to new wording. The new language does not include statements that teachers’ salaries were recently increased 23.2% to $69,692, and that test scores have increased in 24 of 27 elementary schools.

In a separate action, the district asked that portions of the recall-supporters’ arguments against the measures, and the reasons they gave to justify the recall, be removed before they were sent to the voters by the county. The district proved the statements are false because they say that test scores and property values are falling, when both are actually going up.

The recall supporters eventually agreed to remove all their arguments. The judge also deleted the false reasons for the recall. A court of law essentially agreed with what board supporters have been saying all along--people were tricked by lies into supporting the recall.


The recall supporters wanted the measures removed. The district suggested they be changed, and asked for removal of false information submitted by the recall supporters.

Measures A and B are on the ballot; the false reasons for the recall, and all of the recall supporters’ other arguments, are gone.



Orange Unified School District

* Re “Orange Recall Backers Await Ruling,” April 19:

Is it any wonder that the citizens of Orange are requesting a recall of their school board members after reading the ridiculous Measures A and B that they put on the June 26 ballot? These measures are a waste of time for the voters as well as all persons involved in this election process. They “measure” nothing--they only request an opinion of the voters.


This could have been handled as a telephone poll because the responses reflect on actions that have already taken place. Measure A wants to know if the voters think raising teachers’ salaries without raising property taxes is OK. Does the school board have the power to raise property taxes? Measure B asks if voters agree with the “back to basics” approach of education that raises the academic standards at each grade level. Is the board going to lower the academic standards at any school?

Once again, our fair city of Orange shows how messed up and mismanaged its school board is. We can only hope that the voters realize this and get out on June 26 to show their disappointment by approving the recall.


