
“Dogma” Explained


In Patrick Goldstein’s rush to heap praise on Lions Gate Films, he got one very important fact wrong about the 1999 movie “Dogma” (“Lions Gate, Frugal and Fearless, Eyes Bigger Prey,” Aug. 14). He said Lions Gate picked up the movie “after Miramax got cold feet about releasing it.”

The truth is, Miramax was directed to drop the film by its owner, Disney, one of whose officials was quoted by the New York Times as saying the movie was “inappropriate for all of our labels.” And there was good reason for that. “Dogma” was two hours-plus of ridiculing and defaming the [Roman] Catholic Church. Sure, Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier have a legal right to make the film, but people who respect religion have a right to speak out against it. Goldstein is confusing “fearless” with a willingness to insult.


Director of Communications,

Catholic League, New York
