
Angel Fans Can’t Take It No Mo


Dear Mo:

I’d like to say thanks for the memories; there are none.

I’d like to say, “Great highlights from your tenure as an Angel;” there are none.

I’d like to say you were a great team leader; you were not.

I’d like to say you were worth the money; you were not.

I’d like to say Angel fans will miss you; we will not.

I’d say, “Don’t let the door kick you when you leave,” but you were never really here.

Emily Crane



I was trying to remember the scene when Mo Vaughn signed with the Angels, where they were twisting his arm and holding a gun to his head to come to Anaheim, and now the big fella splits?

Listen up, Mo, baby: Get the quickest flight out of town, because you did nothing for baseball around here except complain, get hurt, swing at the air and put on weight. And you got someone to take you on their team? Good riddance and thanks for nothing.

Steve LaRochelle

