
Low Smoking Rate Is Fine But Work Remains

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Re “OC Leads in Low Smoking Incidence,” Dec. 14.

We are pleased by the report that Orange County has the lowest adult smoking rate out of 99 metropolitan areas across the nation. This is truly an accomplishment and speaks to the hard work of all the organizations involved in reducing smoking rates. We would like to add that although the report discussed adult smoking habits, it did not address the serious issue of youth smoking. In Orange County, 18,000 children under age 18 smoke, while an estimated 50% of adolescents have tried it. A large majority of smokers become addicted to tobacco before they are able to legally buy cigarettes.

It’s easy for youths to get hooked on cigarettes because they are easily bought. In fact, it was found in Santa Ana that 33% of retailers sold tobacco to minors. Much of our attention now needs to be focused on youth and access to tobacco to ensure that future generations don’t fall victim to the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. We hope that Orange County continues to work toward eliminating tobacco addiction and the diseases that result from it because when you can’t breathe, nothing else matters.

Kristi Munns

Communications Director


American Lung Assn.

of Orange County

Santa Ana
