
Commuter Biking: There’s No Way


* There are about 1,000 miles of bikeways planned or present in Orange County. The system is managed by the Orange County Transportation Authority. Although this system of bikeways is intended to address the needs of commuter biking in Orange County, it is questionable whether it does or not.

Santa Ana is densely populated with people and businesses but there are relatively few bikeways there. The same can be said for Westminster, Garden Grove, Stanton, Buena Park and Anaheim. Beach and Harbor boulevards are the busiest streets in Orange County, but there are almost no bikeways for either of those streets.

Also, as people and jobs move into an area, more street space is used for cars and bike riding space often disappears in the process. Unless special provisions for biking are provided in the areas where many people live, work and travel, the county bikeway system will not be effective for commuter biking.



