
Touched by an Intimate Account


Patti Davis’ tribute to her father touched me deeply. (“Seeing the Shadow of a Parent’s Mortality,” Jan. 16). Her account was so intimate, I felt like she’d confided in me as her best friend. And of course, I wept for my own now-passed Daddy. I am no fan of her father’s presidency, but he certainly could have been proud that he has such a gifted and insightful daughter.


Shadow Hills


I very much enjoyed Patti Davis’ article. On that day, I had been thinking of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., wondering about the pieces of King’s life that survived him and set an example for the rest of us.

Davis’ article reminded me that we all have legacies, some more obvious than others. How we want to be remembered is based on who we are and what we do today. I am reminded of [film characters] Bill & Ted’s [advice]: “Be excellent to each other.” Words to live by, however trite they may sound.



Toluca Lake


Poor Patti “Davis”! She’s making her living off the tears and heartache she gave her parents, the great President Ronald Reagan, and her mother, Nancy, mouthing self-serving words that reek of self-centeredness.

I have nothing but scorn and loathing for a daughter who so disdained her parents that she continues to reject her great heritage--the name of “Reagan.”


Chino Hills
