
$1.3 Million OKd for 2 Water Tanks


The City Council approved a $1.3-million contract Wednesday to start the foundation work for two 8-million-gallon water tanks.

The project will replace the tank that ruptured on Hefley Street in 1998. Six people were injured and more than 30 families were displaced, when a 6-foot-high wall of water damaged a housing complex and fire station. City officials put the damage at nearly $30 million.

“We want to get moving on this,” Mayor Margie Rice said.

The tanks, which will hold water for drinking and fire emergency use, will sit at a new 1.6-acre site at Hoover Street and Hazard Avenue.


Council members previously decided to defer the bid to the 10-member Financial Review Committee. The committee came back this week with a recommendation to approve the contract.

Rice said the foundation work will begin immediately.
