
Forgiving Henry Cisneros for His Mistake

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I read the article about Henry Cisneros, expecting at any moment to find a denial, excuse or historical revision (“Henry Cisneros,” by Dana Calvo, June 24). What a pleasant surprise to read that Cisneros has accepted responsibility for, and been humbled by, his mistake. Calvo is dead-on when she states that “American politics today requires complete shamelessness.” Cisneros shows that he knows right from wrong, which disqualifies him from any future in politics. I wish him and his family the best.

John Crowley

Redondo Beach


Calvo’s article on Henry Cisneros was gutsy and very well written. Her descriptions really gave a sense of Cisneros’ personality and fallibility, and they made me think that a) she either knows him extraordinarily well; b) he felt comfortable enough to lay it all bare for her in a very short time; or c) she is an incredibly intuitive writer. Kudos.

Kendall LaMontagne

Via the Internet


Years ago I embarked on a campaign of forgiveness. I forgave my parents for parental dysfunctions, my best friends for social slights and my ex-boss for pushing me out of a job I loved. They never knew of my forgiveness, for I did it solely in my heart. Finally, I forgave myself for my own mistakes. It did wonders for my relationships and even more for my peace of mind.


I saw Mayor Cisneros on “60 Minutes” many years ago and immediately told my wife, “This guy could become president.” I was impressed with him as a fine, caring human capable of national vision and leadership. I was crushed when his personal scandal was exposed. I do not condone what he has done, and I am disappointed by his actions. But, once again, I am compelled to forgive. Everyone makes mistakes. One major error would be to let Cisneros disappear from the political horizon without our society benefiting from his contributions. That would be unforgivable.

Matt Giorgi

