
German Distributor Sues Miramax

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A German film distributor took Miramax Film Corp. to court Monday, accusing the Walt Disney Co. subsidiary of breaching its contract.

In a suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, Scotia International says Miramax overpriced its licenses to distribute its films in Germany, among other allegations.

“Miramax charged Scotia . . . minimum guarantees on films it licensed Scotia that were intentionally so inflated that Scotia was led to believe Miramax licensed it the film equivalent of brand new Mercedes, when in fact Miramax sold Scotia the film equivalent of broken Yugos.”


Scotia is seeking more than $13 million in damages.

From 1994 to 1998 Scotia licensed 29 films from Miramax. Miramax spokesman Matthew Hiltzik said the lawsuit was a “misguided attempt” to avoid responding to an arbitration claim Miramax filed against Scotia in April for breach of contract.
