
DMB’s Not a Solo Act

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Kudos for finally running a story on the Dave Matthews Band “Lillywhite Sessions,” which were Napster-released in March (“A Band’s Net Gain,” by Geoff Boucher, June 16). But why did you run a photo of Dave Matthews alone in this article? Where were the other band members?

Longtime DMB fans in Lillywhite’s camp have been disturbed by quotes like these from Glen Ballard: “We have an album we believe in, and it’s doing well and finding some new listeners for him.” Him?

It is common knowledge that the Dave Matthews Band splits its profits in fifths; DMB is not a backup band for the artist Dave Matthews and Matthews would be the first to tell you that. For 10 years, DMB has been: Carter Beauford, Stefan Lessard, David Matthews, Leroi Moore and Boyd Tinsley. Clearly, from his approach to their music, producer Lillywhite knows this very well. That’s another reason longtime DMB fans appreciate him.



Pacific Palisades
