
L.A. Marathon


Re “Marathon Finds 21,000 Running Against the Wind,” March 5: Having participated in the Acura Bike Tour on March 4, just before the L.A. Marathon, and then watching as the runners came by USC, I must say that L.A. is a wonderful city. The bikers were respectful, polite and cordial--everyone working together. LAPD officers were biking with the crowd, conversing and talking to all of us. We saw many families on the bike and running route, leading us to believe that, for many, the family is alive and well in Los Angeles. Once again, the City of Angels put on a great show--doing much to dispel the myths of crime and grime.


San Marcos


I enjoyed reading your marathon stories, since I missed Sunday’s media coverage. Since moving here five years ago, I had not experienced the overwhelming unity that the L.A. Marathon brings to our city until I ran the 26.2 miles for the first time on Sunday. As I joined the wheelchair racers, runners and walkers of all abilities, cheered on by countless Angelenos from all walks of life, a great sense of optimism welled up in my often cynical heart. I am grateful for the nameless faces, young and old, rich and poor, religious and secular, who handed me water, oranges, bananas and even cold beer as I ran through the ethnic neighborhoods of L.A.

Once again, I am convinced that no other city brings together people of all cultures better than Los Angeles.



Los Angeles
