
Review the Movie, Please


Review the film, not travails of the production!

Nothing makes me run to see a film faster than the kind of review Kenneth Turan wrote for “Town & Country” (“Like, Woebegone,” April 27). Evidently Turan suffers from “Ishtar syndrome,” defined as the reviewing of budgets and production schedules rather than the film itself. It seems he was determined to match prerelease production woes to the final product.

His prejudice was so apparent, I figured there was no way the film could be as bleak and humorless as he described, so I dashed out to see it. Lo and behold, I was entertained, and by actual adults cavorting on the screen! Unfortunately, he may have succeeded in keeping Los Angeles audiences away from a charming foray into grown-up lunacy.

Perhaps a periodic critique of the critics is in order.


Woodland Hills
