
Give a Tax Cut to the People Who Will Spend


When our illustrious president warned us that this is a time when we really have to be vigilant and watchful, he should have also told us to keep one eye on him and his buddies in Congress. Another tax cut, huh? To “stimulate” the economy like the last one did? Is it again the top 5% of our earners who get the most benefit?

In bad times, and I don’t think I’m gonna get much argument here that these times qualify, the wealthy will keep spending, but their numbers are so small that it’s not they who dictate much what happens with the economy. We already know from history that the “trickle-down theory” was a scam. It’s not the BMW drivers who are going to get us out of this mess. The people who need a tax cut are the ones who hear “Attention K-mart shoppers” and drive Chevys and think going out to Applebee’s is great for dinner. A democracy is supposed to serve what is best for the greatest amount of people, and I’d lay even money that the greatest amount of us are trying to get by on $600 or $700 a week or less. So by all means, do a tax cut, but give it to the people who need it the most, who in turn will spend it where most of us are working.

Kenny Rich

West Hills



I hope that President Bush, whose mantra in good times and bad has been “cut taxes,” read your Nov. 8 article on Norway being ranked as the No. 1 place in the world to live. I especially hope that he read and understood the quote from its international development minister, “Our moral obligation to share the wealth increases with the amount of our wealth.”

Linda Shahinian

Culver City


This may sound unpatriotic, but if two-thirds of our economy depends on consumers buying stuff they don’t need, is that really a national economy or a Ponzi scheme?

Dean Zatkowsky



I just had an idea that would logically justify the keeping of lower wages encouraged by our politicians and special-interest groups. Since the politically correct sector insists that illegal aliens should be in this country to work the jobs that U.S. citizens won’t do (they never end the sentence with why--low wages), the population should vote for hiring foreign government officials and foreign corporate executives (retired or otherwise) to work for less in our country. This would be in keeping with lowering our taxes and overhead. How is that for our national “special interests”?

Martin Schiechl

Woodland Hills
