
Elect Presidents by Popular Vote


“Bush Still Had Votes to Win in a Recount, Study Finds” (Nov. 12) had eight Florida recount scenarios, with President Bush and Al Gore each winning four. But none of those scenarios address the real problem. Gore got more votes than Bush did nationally. The electoral college distorted the people’s will and put the second-place finisher in the White House.

France has a two-round presidential election system worth emulating. In the first round, voters can freely cast their ballots for the candidate who best represents them. There is no danger of a Ralph Nader or a Ross Perot acting as a spoiler, because the top two candidates are advanced to a second round. French presidents, unlike Bush or Bill Clinton, are elected by a majority of voters.

The time has come to abolish the electoral college and to allow Americans to directly elect our own president.


Casey Peters

Los Angeles


Here’s the biggest “what if” of all: What if Nader hadn’t been in the race? He won 97,000 votes in Florida, and polls show he took far more votes from Gore than from Bush. Without him, Gore would have won the state handily and would now be president. Democrats, remember that the next time you get a mailer from Ralph asking you to support his latest cause.

Fred Miller

Harbor City
