
Marinovich Violates Probation


Avenger quarterback Todd Marinovich was found in violation of his probation for felony heroin possession Thursday because he missed three drug tests in his treatment program.

Marinovich, appearing in Los Angeles Superior Court, was ordered by Judge Stephen Marcus to perform an additional 32 hours of community service--bringing his total to 72 hours--and report to court at more frequent intervals.

Marinovich admitted to missing random drug tests on July 28, Aug. 10 and Aug. 24 at Impact, an outpatient program in Pasadena. A missed test is considered a positive test by the court.


Although Marinovich has tested negative for illegal substances and has attended more than the required number of counseling sessions in his treatment program, Marcus was concerned that the gaps between Marinovich’s missed tests could provide “sufficient time for someone to have drugs leave their system.”

Tom Johnston, Marinovich’s attorney, suggested that Marcus was making an example of his client, saying that neither the treatment program nor the probation department recommended finding the former USC and Raider player in violation of his probation.

“The judge set the violation, and he has gotten Todd’s attention,” Johnston said. “[Marcus] wants to make clear he will not tolerate any excuses, and Todd understands that.”
