
1 Killed, 1 Injured When Car Hits Tree

From Times Staff Writers

A Santa Ana man died early Thursday and a passenger in his car was seriously injured after the driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a tree, police said.

Roque Alex Lombera, 20, was pronounced dead at the scene, said Jonathan Cherney, a traffic investigator for the Irvine Police Department. Herlinda Manuela Suarez, 20, was taken to Western Medical Center-Santa Ana, where she was reported in critical condition with head injuries.

The accident happened about 12:25 a.m. as Lombera drove a 2000 Toyota Celica south on Harvard Avenue just north of University Drive, apparently at high speed, Cherney said. The car jumped a curb and struck the tree.


The accident is still under investigation, Cherney said.
