
Publisher of S.F. Examiner Is Replaced by His Mother

From Associated Press

San Francisco Examiner Publisher Ted Fang was replaced in the position by his mother Friday, less than a year after the family put out its first edition of the daily newspaper founded by William Randolph Hearst.

Fang was notified of the decision Friday afternoon and is on administrative leave, said Executive Editor Zoran Basich. He will remain on the Examiner’s board and retain an ownership interest in the family’s chain of newspapers, Basich said.

Florence Fang “wanted to have more control and devote more of her energies to the business,” Basich said. Ted Fang could not be reached for comment.


The Fangs gained national attention after acquiring the Examiner from Hearst Corp. and got $66 million in subsidies over three years. The purchase was challenged by Clint Reilly, a former San Francisco mayoral candidate, on antitrust grounds.
