
Gov. ‘Disheartened’ With Rep. Condit


Re “Too Little, Too Late From Condit, Davis Says,” Aug. 28: Once again, Gov. Gray Davis exhibits his lack of conviction and courage. He refused to call for Rep. Gary Condit’s (D-Ceres) resignation and by default ends up encouraging Condit to run for reelection.

Fortunately, Condit isn’t going to have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting reelected. By running again, he would show all of us what a mess we’ve made. We’ve allowed the politicians who write the laws to rise above them, while the rest of us must obey them or end up in jail.

Gov. Davis is “disheartened.” I am sick to my stomach.

Dirk Yarborough

Santa Ana



Gov. Davis’ public criticism of Condit’s actions or inactions during the past months has led to the resignations of Chad and Cadee Condit from the governor’s staff (Aug. 29). This is a cheap-shot way of removing any threat of future political repercussions to Davis’ image. I am disappointed that the governor of California, one of most powerful positions in the U.S., let alone the world, stooped to a cheap public comment.

Gray Davis, you have more pressing needs for Californians than forcing two young people to resign because of your cheap shots at their father.

E.K. Mitsunaga

Marina del Rey


Even though I did not vote for Davis, I do have two children of approximately the same age as the Condit children who would be glad to take over the positions the Condit children resigned. In fact, at those salaries, I would be interested in a position for myself.

I am not opposed to nepotism as long as it begins with me!

Stanley Saperstein



Re “Condit Engulfed by Torrent of Criticism,” Aug. 25: As a long-term Democrat, I am appalled that the Democratic Party leadership has not been willing to publicly pressure Condit into a timely resignation.


He is obviously not sorry for what he did. Not only did he betray the public trust (and his marriage vows) by seducing the young intern, Chandra Levy, he obstructed the police, lied to the Levy family and evaded his civic responsibilities during the early days of the investigation.

Say goodbye, Gary.

Jean Vignes

Santa Barbara


It used to be called chivalry when a man wouldn’t talk about having improper sex with a woman.

Theresa Moore



It seems to me that Condit is giving adultery a bad name.

Arthur Marx

Los Angeles
