
New Stamp to Salute Muslim Holy Days

From Times Staff Reports

A new postage stamp to be unveiled Tuesday commemorates the two most important holy days for Muslims.

It will be on exhibit at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the Plaza of the Flags, 700 W. Center Drive, Santa Ana.

The Eid stamp commemorates Eid al-Fitr, a celebration after Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha, a celebration at the time of the Hajj. Eid is a day when Muslims offer special prayers, visit relatives, share meals, exchange gifts and wish each other “Eid mubarak,” or “holiday blessings.”


Masoud Nassimi, president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Southern California, said the stamp “will help shed light on the religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds of the estimated 7 million American Muslims and their participation and contributions to the American society.”
