
This War Will Be Fought on Two Fronts


Since the morning of Sept. 11 we have been in a world war, World War III. This war is not just a U.S. war. There is not a single continent of the world that did not lose people in the World Trade Center and Pentagon tragedies. There is not a single continent of the world that has not suffered in the past from the actions of terrorists. The civilized world finally appears willing to fight terrorism wherever it can be found. However, in this world war there are two fronts.

One front exists in dark alleyways, in secret safe-houses, in bomb-making laboratories, in terrorist training centers and in the technology and innovation of terrorism. The other front exists in the economies of the Third World that breed the people upon whom terrorist egomaniacs feed. If we forget this second front, we will not stop terrorism, because there will always be insane extremists who seek to lead people who have nowhere else to go. Human beings who have no choices; who, unlike Americans, have no true democracy; who have no jobs; who have no future; who have no homeland; or who are hungry will always be the feeding ground of these demented fanatics.

If we are to win this world war we must fight on both fronts or face the prospects of a continuing, growing threat to our civilization.


Kerry T. Nock



Once these terrorists’ accomplices are caught they should be brought to a trial by the World Court for high crimes against humanity. Once convicted they should be sentenced to life in solitary confinement with no parole. Killing more innocent victims in the name of revenge will bring the globe into a never-ending cycle of violence. Terrorists need to be rooted out and brought out in the open for trial and punishment.

Victor A. Vallejo

Los Feliz


I can’t help but be struck by the juxtaposition of two stories on the Sept. 17 front page: Afghans face mass starvation, while Americans face recession. When one country had a per capita income in 1999 of $178 and the other a whopping $32,778, I feel lucky, of course, but also deeply ashamed. It is not only cruel but also foolhardy to ignore the economic inequity of our world. I’m sorry my portfolio is down, but I’m even sorrier for the poor refugees of this horrible situation.

Connie Tucker



President Bush may very soon call for the bombing of Afghanistan. Here’s my idea: While we were searching for the terrorists, we could send hundreds of American bombers into the skies of Afghanistan. But when the bomb bays opened, down would float thousands of tons of badly needed food. And the world would see another side of who we are.


Seamus McKiernan

Santa Barbara
