
Congressman Goes on Attack During His Ohio Bribery Trial

From Associated Press

A federal judge on Wednesday denied Rep. James A. Traficant Jr.’s request to remove a prosecutor he has accused of misconduct from Traficant’s bribery case.

The Democratic Ohio congressman was indicted in May on charges of racketeering and bribery for allegedly taking kickbacks from staffers and bribes from people seeking political favors.

Traficant has alleged that prosecutors bullied witnesses into saying they offered him bribes in exchange for political favors. He asked for the removal of Assistant U.S. Atty. Craig Morford, the lead prosecutor.


Judge Lesley Wells denied that request and also rejected Traficant’s request for permission to call Morford as a witness during the trial.

But she decided to allow the congressman to cross-examine witnesses about threats or promises made by the government to obtain their testimony. Prosecutors had asked that Traficant be barred from questioning their conduct.
