
Bashing Norah Vincent for Bashing Al Gore


Re “Forget Consultants -- the Democrats Need a Speech Therapist,” Commentary, Nov. 28: For the ever-annoying, omni-patronizing conservative flack Norah Vincent to lecture the Democrats for their lecturing tone is only the first illustration of her bent for postmodern irony. The second is to belittle Al Gore for having “alienated voters in 2000.” Right. He alienated voters into giving him half a million more popular votes than George W. Bush and falling short of the presidency by one vote only -- that cast by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Scott Dickerson

Los Alamitos


Vincent’s commentary is more evidence that the right in this country is not content with stealing a presidential election, dismantling environmental and consumer protections, trashing the Constitution and bringing us to the brink of an unnecessary and potentially disastrous war in Iraq. It must also engage in character assassination. I don’t know whether Gore really thinks that he’s better than everyone else, as Vincent asserts in her vitriolic screed. But I am reasonably certain from the evidence that he’s a far better person than Vincent herself could ever hope to be.

Lisa Fredsti

