
Bush Has Presented No Evidence to Launch a War


Re “Most Unconvinced on Iraq War,” Dec. 17: Good work, guys. Since you’ve determined that 72% of the public believes the president has not provided enough evidence to justify a war, you’ve given him a clear mandate. He must find some or fabricate it, fast. Otherwise, he can’t go in with guns blazing, as he so obviously desires. Whatever “evidence” he comes up with will be as suspect as his motives in the eyes of the world. One thing is certain, for him, peace is not an option.

David Baird

Los Angeles


Dear President Bush: Please don’t forget what every preacher in this nation is aware of. He who gets too far ahead of his congregation will be perceived as the enemy.

Liz Keranen



When I read that 97% of Republicans approve of Bush’s job performance (Dec. 18), two things came to mind: Bush appears to be enjoying Saddam Hussein-like popularity among those in his party, and the Republicans polled obviously never listened to their mothers when they warned, “If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you follow them?”


Linda K. Heisen

Los Angeles


Your poll asked: “Do you approve ... of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president,” with 63% saying yes.

We asked ourselves, who are the people responding to this poll?

Wow, it turns out 97% of Republicans approve of Bush’s job performance!

With that knowledge, we suspected that almost any question asked would get at least a 50% approval rating. Sure enough, further down the list is “environmental issues” -- 48% said yes.

Hello, hello is there anybody there in the GOP voting booth?

Don Brundige

Sharron Brundige

San Pedro
