
L.A. Police Permit Fees


Re “No Break for City’s Gun Dealers,” Dec. 19: Outrageous! I second the plea for information on where the money from the 1,000% increase in police-permit fees is going. L.A. City Councilman Jack Weiss and his compatriots must be idiots. According to the article, “He said the fees are needed to ensure firearms dealers follow the law.”

So crime prevention is their goal? Then perhaps this wise City Council should assess similar fees on the muggers, rapists and murderers who flock to this “murder capital” for its easy pickings. After all, they’re in “business” as well and should be given equal treatment under the law. Such action would provide the much-needed money to put them out of business -- as I am sure is the city’s intention for law-abiding gun dealers.

Jim Greaves

Santa Barbara
