
Saber-Rattling Support for Bush


Re “Americans Admire Bush’s Tough Talk, Cheney Says,” Feb. 19: In his speech before an audience of Marines, Dick Cheney referred to “a certain amount of hand-wringing in some quarters” regarding George W. Bush’s tough talk of an “axis of evil” consisting of Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Speaking refreshingly from a disclosed location in front of an audience ordered to attend, Cheney admirably shook and rattled his vice-presidential saber.

I wonder if it was with the same strong moral conviction and forthrightness (and steady hands not being wrung) that Cheney avoided military service.

The two atop this administration seem to need a certain remove, a comfortable distance, from which to cheer those who fight our country’s wars. Hey, every team needs its cheerleaders, whether waving pompoms or swords, but the Bush-Cheney cheers are really for the Carlyle team of military industrialists and the profit to be had in the erection of a “Star Wars” boondoggle.


The lessons of Enron are lost on Bush and Cheney: It simply is wrong to sell out to the highest bidder and especially wrong when you have taken an oath to serve the interests of the people rather than of profit.

Carl C. Slate

Sherman Oaks


I’m one of the hand-wringers who does not support Cheney’s plan to invade Iran, Iraq and/or North Korea. Can you please tell me where these “some quarters” are, so I can enroll?

Tom Crowley

Palm Desert


We truly live in an Alice in Wonderland world when Cheney wins the Architect of Peace award (Feb. 20).

Kris Sullivan

Los Angeles
