
No Diploma Required for Airport Screeners


Re “The Airport Screener Blame Game,” Commentary, Jan. 9: Americans not only have the right to blame the security screeners at the airports but they are also right in doing so. The overall majority of high school dropouts do not have the necessary logic in order to be able to make their own decisions about what is not listed in the training handbook. Sure, they can read their training handbook and memorize it, but an airport security screener must be able to use reasoning. They cannot rely on the handbook or training manuals to list every possible event that may occur and what the solution is.

The job of an airport security screener is not the same as a cab driver; the safety of millions of Americans rely on security screeners. If the government is going to allow dropouts to safeguard the lives of Americans, then they might as well be employed as federal agents, CIA officials and police officers. Dropouts would not be dropouts in the first place if it weren’t for their lack of logic and reasoning to tell them to at least get a diploma. And yes, algebra is important. Simply put, if they can’t pass it, they can’t use reason.

John Zandi

Beverly Hills
